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Losing Content-Type header on InfoSphere Info Server call

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:09 pm
by soswald123
I've developed a multiple instance job that returns a JSON package thru a web service call. The job is instantiated and persisted by InfoSphere Information Server.

A different set of MIME header fields are received depending on how large the JSON package retrieved is.

My specific issue is Content-Type header field is present when the JSON retrieved is 4095 bytes or less, missing where it is 4096 bytes or more.

I have a feeling this is a web server issue, not a DataStage one, but wanted to throw it out there!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:25 am
by JRodriguez
In a recent experience we had issues when the payload retrieved from a web service was huge but always at the end of the payload, and never on the header. If your job is creating the JSON file and the Content-Type header to be retrieve by the webservice then it could be in the DataStage job.

This testing is always easier if you start testing your DS results separate of the web service. Create the JSON file and the header, dump the result into a file, check and confirme the results ....then integrate with the rest of the requirements

Be aware of nulls and.the forward slash in your Content_Type definition


Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:25 am
by soswald123
Thanks for your reply, Julio!

The InfoSphere Information Server managing the web service handles the web bindings, creates the header info, manages security, etc. So, I'll need to check the IIS logs, which, unfortunately, are not available thru the IIS front end. :evil:

I'm almost positive this is an IIS issue, just don't know what to tweak in the config files to try to troubleshoot.

Best regards,