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How to Invoke DB2 connector alone in a Job

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:42 am
by DSFreddie
Hi All,

I have a requirement in my project to do a Bulk Load/Replace into the Mainframe DB2 tables using DataStage. The data files sit in the Mainframe system.

I am trying to invoke the DB2 connector stage (alone) through a DataStage job that will in-turn invoke the DB2 utility to trigger the Load/Replace process.

Is there a way we can invoke the DB2 connector (alone) in a DataStage job which will then invoke the inbuilt DB2 Load utility to do a Load/Replace? (The data file is in Mainframe)

Thanks in advance

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:23 am
by asorrell
You'll need to use a Row Generator to send a single row with a single column of data to trigger the DB2 Connector. Since you'll be using custom SQL in the connector, it will ignore the column.

Make sure and set the Row Generator for one row. Then add a varchar column (no nulls) to it. While still in the Output tab, select the column and hit ctrl-E to go into the extended attributes for the column. Select Generator options in the Properties section, add the Algorithm property and set it to Cycle. Then add one Value property to that and set it to a string to use as data for the "trigger" record.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:46 am
by DSFreddie
Thanks for your quick response Andy :) I will try this out & let you know.

Meanwhile, is there a way I can invoke the DB2 load utility in the DB2 connector z/os without initiating the FTP transmission ( Transfer Type option in DB2 connector stage) to use a file present in the Mainframe system for bulk loading ? (i.e., DSN Name : Mainframe dataset name & no FTP transmission of any file).
