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get unique columns

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:52 am
by parilango
I have two files and I am getting few columns based on one common column.. but I want the unique records not based on the key column.

right now I am using sort stage and passing all the column name as key column in the hash partition. is this the right approach or do we have any better approach to get unique records from all the column

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:52 am
by chulett
Is that approach working for you?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:54 am
by parilango
yeah it Is working. is there any other approach we can follow?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:10 am
by abc123
You can also use Sort stage and then Remove Duplicate stage. Leave the partitioning as Auto.