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DB2 Connector Truncate & Bulk Load Option

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:05 am
by DSFreddie
Hi All,

I have a requirement in my project to refresh the data in 10 DB2 tables ( volume is around 80 million) and load the fresh records into it.

I am planning to go with the following options in the DB2 connector stage,

Write Mode : BulkLoad
Table Action : Replace
Record Count : 2000
Array Size : 2000

Can you pls let me know whether this is the correct way to do this.


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:59 am
by chulett
That depends entirely on what exactly 'load the fresh records' means.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:11 pm
by DSFreddie
Sorry for being unclear.

I need to delete all the existing records & load the new records into the table.
Hope it is clear now.


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:58 pm
by Timato
Table Action: Replace - will drop the table and recreate it, are you sure you want this to happen? Might be better off with the Truncate option instead.

Also depending on how your DB2 db is configured you may want to select 'Yes' to Non-recoverable load. If the database is configured for Archival logging then the table space will be put into a backup pending mode and you wont be able to manipulate any data on it until a database backup is performed- but ofcourse you run the risk of losing the data in those 10 tables if you dont have backups :P