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DataStage support for Oracle SDO_GEOMETRY API

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:29 am
by Amedhyaz
Hello all,

I am relatively new to spatial data and APIs.

Have the following business requirement, to implement in DataStage:

a. Read Geo-Localization data from flat file dumps, originating from an Oracle source;
b. Transform and operate on read Geo-Localization data; and
c. Load transformed Geo-Localization data into an Oracle target.

My understanding is to the effect that since source and target are Oracle data stores, I need to resort to methods and functions from the SDO_GEOMETRY API, in order to achieve my design.

In which version of DataStage is support of Oracle's SDO_GEOMETRY API provided?

Thank you

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:00 am
by chulett
Can you expand on what you mean by "Transform and operate on read Geo-Localization data"? Seems to me that might help drive your answer.

I also don't think you're going to find a version of DataStage that specifically adds support for that API. Instead, you'll need to determine how best to access their API and then see how to integrate that mechanism into a job.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:18 am
by Amedhyaz
One business application is triangulation, that is you may want to find the most likely geo-localization of a point interest, from the data sent from SCADA devices, for instance. To the best of my knowledge more or less elaborate triangulation algorithms are implemented in SDO_GEOMETRY. Therefore, you would want to transform the dumped data into native spatial data and, then, operate on them, by means of algorithms, to yield the most likely spatial localization of your point of interest.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:57 am
by chulett
Just to play Devil's Advocate, that is pretty generic stuff - "you may want", "most likely spatial localization", etc. I think for you to get more cogent help, you would need to detail what it is you have actually been tasked with, rather than generalizations like that.

I'd also be curious if you are targeting the actual SDO_GEOMETRY data type in Oracle or something else. I'm not implying that I have any knowledge of it, just trying to gather information so that people that can actually help may have the information they need to be able to help. And it looks like their API can be accessed via Java or C++ from what little snooping around I just did, do you have any knowledge of either technology in house?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:12 pm
by Amedhyaz
This is actually quite relevant! If I'm not mistaken, Java Integration stage was introduced in DataStage 9.1 and expands over capabilities in interacting with vendors APIs.

Will definitely explore what can be achieved using Java to interface the SDO_GEOMETRY API

Will post any findings worth of mention.