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shared container output link problem

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:23 am
by abyss
Hi all:
i got a job involve shared container and I just couldn't make is work...
this is part of my mail job:

I enabled the RCP in the join stage (join mark)

this is the inside of my container

not all the columns from the main job passed into the container. i also enabled the RCP in the transformer stage in this job.


this is how container stage's input tab and output tab setup:
input tab:

output table:

the transfermer stage (trans_fac_own) that after the container stage receive ALL the columns from join stage and one additional column created inside container

the job CAN compile and i receive the following error message when i run the job:

Code: Select all

Error when checking operator: Could not find input field "ENROLMENT_ID".
Error when checking operator: Could not find input field "STD_CRS_ID".
Error when checking operator: Could not find input field "SESSION_ID".
Error when checking operator: Could not find input field "BILLING_TYPE_SKEY".
...... (omit another 20 lines)
and the warning message:

Code: Select all

 Error when checking operator: When binding input schema variable "APT_TRinput0Rec0": A transfer adapter is dropping the non-existent field "FACULTY_OWN".
so basically all the columns that not declared inside the transformer stage in the container are failed to pass. error message is generated from the transformer stage in the main job. However if i change the transfermer stage (trans_fac_own) from the main job to a perk stage the jobs works fine.

I reviewed the thread i posted long time ago, i did the same thing but i still cannot make it work

does anyone know why?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 4:30 pm
by Mike
I think this is a likely bug. I've run into a similar issue on version 11.3.

I ended up implementing a workaround for expediency.

My unverified thinking was that it was somehow related to having a transformer stage as first stage after the input with RCP enabled.

I ran into this bug on two different shared containers.

My workaround in one case was to put a copy stage in front of the transformer inside the container, and my workaround in the second case was to replace the transformer stage with a modify stage. Both workarounds were successful.


Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 7:02 pm
by abyss
Mike wrote:I think this is a likely bug. I've run into a similar issue on version 11.3.
... to replace the transformer stage with a modify stage.
Hi Mike
thanks for your answer! so the transformer stage is the one inside the container i believe?


Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 4:34 am
by nikhil_bhasin
Check whether column FACULTY_OWN has no spelling mistake, if you have put in manually anywhere before and after shared container. Remaining errors might have been caused due to this warning.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 7:02 am
by Mike
Yes. The transformer inside the shared container. For whatever reason, RCP seems to fail, which causes those "Could not find input field" errors that you are experiencing.

And it's not all transformers inside a shared container since I have others where RCP worked fine... I never could pin down exactly what combination of factors triggered the bug.


Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:47 pm
by abyss
thanks so much mike! i did exactly what's you said the my container works now. i been stuck on this part for 2 whole days, i almost cried when i made it work! lol