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Oracle Connector - Invalid number issue

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:33 am
by skathaitrooney
Hello Experts,

My job design is as follows:

SeqFileStage --- TransformerStage---AuditSharedContainer---CopyStage--- TargetOracleConnecter

In the transformer stage i am adding a new column say A which is of type Varchar(7) and static value 0
This column is converted to Decimal(7) inside the shared container and then being populated in the Oracle database(this column A is of type Decimal(7) in the database)

This job is aborting as rows are getting rejected from the Oracle database.
The error is :

Code: Select all

RejectERRORCODE:1722 RejectERRORTEXT:ORA-01722: invalid number
In the peek i see the column A is populating as a single white-space instead of a default 0.

To my surprise the job runs when i make the array size to 160 or less in the oracle connector stage.
This job also runs if i derive column A in transformer directly as DECIMAL(7) instead of VARCHAR(7).

Do you have any idea about this ?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:03 am
by skathaitrooney
W ould also like to add that if i replace the Oracle Connector with a sequential file, then i can see correct records getting populated. The column A is defaulted to 0 for all values and not a white-space.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 1:57 am
by skathaitrooney
Looks like a silly issue. Developers were changing the data type of a column (Varchar to Integer) at the output link of the SharedContainer.

Removed this and explicitly converted the value, seems everything is fine now.

I will mark this as closed.