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Job hangs in mid-stream

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:48 am
by wuruima
Hi all,

I am having a weird problem.
when I am running a job, it "stops" in the middle, the job is running, but looks like it is hung.

This is the log from the previous run (which completed successfully), the log is normal.
sctrHMIPCOProdC36.GCC_Prod_Filter,0: Import complete; 1170290 records imported successfully, 0 rejected.
temp4ps_p,0: Progress: 10 percent.
temp4ps_p,1: Progress: 10 percent.
temp4ps_p,2: Progress: 10 percent.
temp4ps_p,3: Progress: 10 percent.
temp4ps_p,0: Progress: 20 percent.
temp4ps_p,1: Progress: 20 percent. ----- 5:00:45 PM
temp4ps_p,2: Progress: 20 percent. ----- 5:01:41 PM
temp4ps_p,3: Progress: 20 percent.
temp4ps_p,0: Import complete; 3589708 records imported successfully, 0 rejected.
temp4ps_p,2: Import complete; 3492104 records imported successfully, 0 rejected.
temp4ps_p,1: Import complete; 3589119 records imported successfully, 0 rejected.
temp4ps_p,3: Import complete; 3556465 records imported successfully, 0 rejected.

According to the log it only took some seconds to continue.
However, the current run:

sctrHMIPCOProdC36.GCC_Prod_Filter,0: Import complete; 1170290 records imported successfully, 0 rejected.
temp4ps_p,0: Progress: 10 percent.
temp4ps_p,1: Progress: 10 percent.
temp4ps_p,2: Progress: 10 percent.
temp4ps_p,3: Progress: 10 percent.
temp4ps_p,0: Progress: 20 percent. ----- 9:42:23 PM
the time is 22:44 now.

I am not sure if anything is wrong. Has anyone seen this case before? What can I do to let it continue processing?

[Note - Edited for clarity, title changed - Andy]

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:34 am
by asorrell
You didn't give enough detail to even make suggestions...

What is it reading from? Where is it writing to?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:23 pm
by wuruima
at last the job complete successfully.

It takes more than 2 hr to run the job, normally only 10 min is required.