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Increase in number of OSH Processes

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:05 pm
by sagar.kewalramani
Recently, implementation of fix pack was failed. Also, the backup restored was failed. Unfortunate day for us.

Thus, we need to install fresh DataStage 11.3.0.

After installation, we are seeing sudden increase in OSH process. Earlier, we use to see around 9000 OSH process running in a day and it has suddenly jumped to 12000 OSH process. No new jobs have been added to the environment. Due to this OSH process, CPU utilization has increased drastically.

Can anyone advice what could be the reason behind this increase in OSH process.

Some of the changes between OLD and NEW environments are :
i) Earlier environment was installed on default port for dsrpc while new environment was installed on 31539
ii) New environment is currently using local user repository while old environment was configured with LDAP
iii) As the port has been changed from default and LDAP authentication has not yet implemented, the dsjob -run is not working and it has to be replaced with dsjob -domain XXXX - server XXXX -user XXX -password XXX -run

Any guidance in this regards to analyze increase in OSH process will be very much appreciated.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:05 am
by qt_ky
It sounds like you have had some great learning experiences!!

I would first guess that number of nodes defined in the parallel configuration file(s) has increased.

Default path and file: /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Configurations/default.apt

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:07 am
by priyadarshikunal
The first thing I would look at the change in number of nodes and then if the operator combination was disabled (environment variable APT_DISABLE_OPERATOR_COMBINATION or some thing similar). Port or Authentication wouldn't be the first place to look for in this case.

Or may be changes in schedule of jobs.