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XML Stage - Order Join

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:04 pm
by visvacfirvin
I've a requirement to implement Order Join outside of XML stage. 8.x has a bug in Order Join in XML stage and it needs a patch to be applied. There is a delay in applying patch, so i need to implement workaround of doing order join outside of XML stage.

1. Is there a way to correctly implement order join outside xml stage.
2. I was thinking if we can generate sequence number for each of link out of xml stage, then join using join stage. we might have to set all the job run/stage as sequential so that order is maintained.

Please let me know if there is any good way to implement this.


Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:26 am
by eostic
Order Join is one of those little used just "matches them by their number in their set".... not needed that often over more key based formal matching algorithms.

Anyway, your suggestion sounds like it might work. Assign a counter in a downstream Transformer on each of those links....and that becomes your "join value". Of course, you will have to be careful of what you are counting "in"...meaning that you may need higher level keys also, so that you know that this is the "nth" row of the "East" division, or if you don't have higher level keys, you will need to be creative and come up with multiple counters "this is the nth row of the r-th node group"....


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:21 am
by visvacfirvin
My initial logic did not work. I implemented a different workaround.

My initial problem was there were multiple lists within a node which i need to join in order, to store them in table. Since order join did not work, i used aggregate function in XML stage to combine the list in a delimiter. I created 3 fields out of XML with delimited values and then used transformer loop to join then lists one by one. It did work.