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Character Set ISO-8859-15

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:30 am
by nvalia
Hi All,
We currently have the default Parallel Maps set to ASCL_MS1252 for our project. Now we have a need to process data that falls under the ISO-8859-15 classification as we expect to get the French Accents in the data

If we change this default parallel map, at a project level, to the required character set map,
1. Would this need for us to alter any metadata/data lengths downstream in the target (Netezza) to accommodate additional storage needs for this character set
2. Job design changes (I assume NO as project level settings will flow to the job automatically)
3. Any other impact that I should consider

Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 4:00 am
by ArndW
Both MS1252 and ISO8859-15 are 8-bit character codes so there are no length issues involved in changing between the two.

If your project already has numerous running jobs, it might be better for you to just change those new jobs for this new data rather than changing the default character set; but that having been said there should be no changes necessary and no foreseeable problems involved in changing the default character set.