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Custom BuildOp Stage Deploy

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:57 am
by synsog
Hi All,
We currently are on 7.5.3 and planning to Upgrade to 11.3

We have a few Custom BuildOp stages and my question is when we migrate the jobs using this stage, does it automatically get deployed along with the job or are there additional specific steps we need to take to have these Custom stages available post the upgrade in the new version?


Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:13 pm
by PaulVL
I'm an admin. Oppinions vary, but I would say a good admin. During our past and current migrations, I've populated the "dev" projects for the application teams (mass export from prior release prod and import to new DEV). I made sure to rebuild/create/compile the build ops first. Opened each buildop and clicked the button.

This was to ensure that it got done, and also to address any missing components that might have been missed.

Application teams never mentioned any failures as a result of those initial steps.

Application teams would then migrate jobs via dsx/isx that contained the job executable and went to test and prod from there. We've always adopted a "no compile" policy in test/prod as a general rule of thumb.