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Design Scenario

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:02 am
by taylor.hermann
My gut feel has been that this is going to require looping, however I'm unsure where to begin. And have yet to use looping, but have done plenty of reading about it.
The input data comes in something like this:

Code: Select all

Product   Warehouse
1             20   
1             30
1             40
2             30
3             60
3             20
The output data needs to be like this:

Code: Select all

They want all the warehouses listed under each product. And then the text "EOR" listed at the end of each set of products.

I'm just requesting maybe someone to point me in a general area of where to begin, since I'm still semi-new to Datastage.


Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:15 pm
by rkashyap
This can be done thru a single threaded job.
Pass Input to a transformer. Use stage variables to detect key(Product) change. Transformer will have three output links:
- Link 1: Constraint: key-change; Output: Append 'PRODUCT' to Product-num.
- Link 2: Constraint: None; Output: Append 'WAREHOUSE|' to warehouse-num.
- Link 3: Constraint: key-change and rec-no> 1; Output: "EOR".

Combine output from transformer using Funnel stage in sequential mode. (append another "EOR" to filer-footer).

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:04 pm
by taylor.hermann
Thank you rkashyap. That was incredibly helpful.

However.... Upon trying to implement something similar I ran into an issue with the funnel. First off it requires that all the column names are the same, which I guess I can just name them all the same without any side effects. But the sequential mode funnel would not meet my needs. As it would do all of input 1, then input 2, then input 3.

Essentially looking like this:

Code: Select all

Is there another option? Because none of the funnel options seem like they would work.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:37 pm
by rkashyap
If Continuous funnel is also not giving desired result, then another option could be to pass columns 'Product-num and link-num (1, 2, 3 etc)' from transformer to the output. Sort 'collected' records from transformer using composite key Product-num and link-num.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:52 am
by vamsi_4a6

what do u mean by link-num (1, 2, 3 etc).I do not see any column like link-num?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:49 am
by ShaneMuir
I think what @rkashyap is getting at is that you might need to add an extra columns to you outputs that can be used to determine sort order.

This could be as simple as the key column AND some sort of counter. Then you can set your funnel to sort the data. After the funnel you would drop the unrequired columns.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:53 am
by taylor.hermann
Awesome, thanks for the input everybody!!! It helped a ton.
I solved it by sorting it in the funnel as suggested. And added 2 extra columns to sort it correctly. I added the Product# to all the links and sorted it, then a dummy column to keep the links in the correct order, "A", "B", "C".
Thanks again

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:23 am
by vamsi_4a6
rkashyap, what do u mean by rec-no?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:31 am
by rkashyap
Rec-No: Input record number. For a single threaded job, @INROWNUM should be ok.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:06 am
by vamsi_4a6
taylor.hermann wrote:Awesome, thanks for the input everybody!!! It helped a ton.
I solved it by sorting it in the funnel as suggested. And added 2 extra columns to sort it correctly. I added the Product# to all the links and sorted it, then a dummy column to keep the links in the correct order, "A", "B", "C".
Thanks again
what you populated for dummy column?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:19 am
by chulett
See your quoted text, the value is right there.