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ODBC - delete then insert

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:56 am
by vinu1103sharma
Hi Friends,

Requirement -: We are loading data into oracle database based on templated_id so before loading data need to delete recording for same templated_id.
Implement -: in ODBC stage i choose write mode - "delete then insert"
Status - It's working fine but problem with data.

For example- CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE_ID=449 i have 40 records in CERT_TEMPLATE_BINDING table so when i will run the job first it will delete all 40 records then insert first node records
(suppose we have total 50 records then it will insert first node data as 25 records) and then again execute delete statement and delete first nodes records data and insert second nodes record data.

After run the job, in target table only 25 records (second node)

my solution but not work :-
1) my thinking if it will run (ODBC) on sequential mode or on single node. this idea failed.

Please friend give me suggestion how can delete old records nad insert new records base on CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE_ID

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:01 am
by priyadarshikunal
hash partition on CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE_ID. This will ensure all the 50 records for CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE_ID=449 in the same partition.

However it can only be guaranteed when all 50 records go as same transaction, so you may have to set the transaction size or basically the commit interval to 0.

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:04 am
by priyadarshikunal
However I prefer to separate deletes with inserts and get it done as two separate steps.

one question, If you need to connect to oracle, why not use a oracle connector instead?

What happened when you ran that job on one node?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:23 am
by rkashyap
Basically requirements is to execute multiple SQL statements(Delete and Insert) with a single Commit. Same as previous poster, I will advise using an Oracle Connector rather than an ODBC stage.

This requirements can be supported with multiple designs. Some of which are:
1) Local transactions with database connectors.
2) Server job, utilizing option of single commit.
3) External PL/SQL Package.
4) Distributed Transaction Stage.

Depending on business need, I have seen #1 thru #3 being implemented. I have never tried #4.

My preferred approach for a "reasonable" amount of incoming data is #1:
1. Added a transformer before the Database stage to copy incoming data stream to two output streams (one for insert and the other one for delete).
2. Remove duplicates from "delete stream" based on the key CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE_ID.
3. Direct both streams to same Database connector.
4. First perform "delete" and subsequently "inserts", followed by a single commit.

Do see section titled "Local transactions with database connectors" in Guaranteed delivery with InfoSphere DataStage.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:44 am
by vinu1103sharma

In input file i did filter so when we run the job it ask for CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE_ID and pick all same id records, So here hash will not work. i find solution, i will post

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:25 am
by priyadarshikunal
What about other alternatives mentioned, did you read next 2 posts.

Re: ODBC - delete then insert

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:29 am
by vinu1103sharma

Now i am using only write mode = insert.

In ODBC or Oracle we have one functionality like
"Run before and after SQL statement"
in in am using "BEFORE SQL STATEMENT"

Insert command ->

Before SQL Statement command ->

Re: ODBC - delete then insert

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:09 am
by rkashyap
vinu1103sharma wrote:Before SQL Statement command ->
It seems that all records in incoming datafile will be for a single CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE_ID. For future reference ... it is helpful to mention such key facts early on.