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Datastage job failing after upgrade to 9.1.2

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:20 am
by babbu9
We have a job that uses BigInt which was running fine in version 8.7 but once we upgraded to 9.1.2 the job is failing with a message:

endTimeData,0: The field MEGS_FREE has the value 149809.94 which does not have a valid string representation for the type INT64 of this field. (CC_PXBigBufferHandler::formatStringAsInteger, file CC_PXBigBufferHandler.cpp, line 8,109)

Where MEGS_FREE is column name and 149809.94 is the data value in it. What is the solution to the issue?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:27 am
by chulett
149809.94 isn't a valid integer so you'll need to use a different target data type, one more appropriate to that value - a decimal.