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Expiry Time for message queue request

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:51 am
by maniphilip

We have a job to write request string to a Message Queue Request Queue.Our job design is given below

Oracle Connector ----->Transformer------>MQConnector

We have to cleanse around 300000 records and we are passing 10 records at a time to queue in a loop (loop logic is written in sequence).But after cleansing around 10,000 requests the message queue service is getting down because the requests are not getting expired even though we are getting responses.

Please let us know whether we have any option to set expiry time for request while we place the request in datastage


Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:02 pm
by JRodriguez
Hello Mani,

The property is at the Queue Manager level, probably you won't see it while using the connector as a target.

Normally expired messages should be discarded by any MQGET command issued by a consumer, in your scenario best approach will be to set the expire Interval (EXPRYINT) on the Queue Manager if you could ask the MQ administrator to find out if your version allow this setting or if the value needs to be adjusted


Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:23 am
by maniphilip
Hi Rodriguez,

Thank you for your response.

We could see an expiry time option in MQ Connector(in header properties while it is used as a target).

Please let us know whether we can use this property to set the expiry time.


Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:30 am
by JRodriguez

I see the expire property and yes you could used it. Are you just trying to clear the messages that were put in the queue by another application?


Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:36 am
by maniphilip
Hi Rodriguez,
Thanks for your response.
We are trying to clear the messages put in the queue by datastage only and not trying to clear the messages from any other application. Has it needs to be cleared from queue level or setting the expiry time in datastage will automatically clear the messages in queue?
