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Create table Before load ?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:57 am
by AhmedSamir
hi there

I need to create table and let the job load data on it, it's working with me under this conditions :

1- Teradata connector
- Access method : immediate
- Before SQL : create statement

but in my case when u change to BULK load the error raise on the WORKTABLE for the BULK

Teradata_Connector_6: RDBMS code 3807: Object 'TEST_SQL8' does not exist. SQL statement: CREATE TABLE DEVDB.TEST_SQL8_wk AS TEST_SQL8 WITH NO DATA (CC_TeraConnection::execute, file CC_TeraConnection.cpp, line 3,086)
How to create table this insert values on it under BULK access .

thank you

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:02 pm
by major

This error is related to Teradata.

BULK load uses worktable to load first before loading to actual table.
So , in your case the actual table must exist in db before job establishes connection to Teradata db for loading.


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:47 am
by vinothkumar
Are you using UPDATE or LOAD in your load method. In otherwords, are you trying to implement M-load or Fast-load.

If you select UPDATE (M-load) then whatever given in Pre-SQL wont get execute.

There are some limitations in both utilities. Depends on the requirement you need to decide which one to use.