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2 Phase commit issue in DTS Stage

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:21 pm
by major
I'm getting the below error when ever i am updating the two different target tables in DTS stage.

The Distributed Transaction Stage has detected that the error threshold of 1 has been met. The count of units of work that failed is 1.
SQL-Error-Message. -817. An update is prohibited. A two-phase-commit situation or a catalog update statement (DDL) was issued while another connector transaction was incomplete. (CC_OdbcDBStatement::executeUpdate, file CC_OdbcDBStatement.cpp, line 979)

The job design is

MQ ----> Transformation ----> DTS (ODBC connector, ODBC connector, DB2 Connector)

The ODBC connected to Classic fed server.

Per table per updates are working fine.
Per table multiple updates are also working fine.

The error is only causing when ever i try to update two different tables resides in the same server.

Pls share your in puts if anyone experienced the above.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 6:12 am
by qt_ky
Review the Classic fed server log files for more clues. We hit several bugs with Classic fed server that required working directly with IBM Support.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:50 pm
by major
Thanks Eric. Tried with the CFS log for this specific error. It has provided sql error code which was already indicated in the DS log.

'SQLCODE(-817) on line 0 in unknown '

This might be some configuration issue. We are still investigating further.