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DS v9 -- Metadata Wizard Import error -- unhandled exception

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:14 pm
by rjhankey
We have a DataStage v9.1 environment installed on AIX, and have used the metadata import functionality successfully with our DB2 sources, but have added connectivity to Netezza and are experiencing an unhandled exception error. We aren't having any trouble reading/writing data using the Netezza stage, this error is only occurring when importing table definitions from Netezza via the Wizard.

Process followed to import Netezza table:
1) Import --> Table Definitions --> Start Metadata Wizard
2) Select Netezza Connector (4.5)
3) Data Source = , Database =
4) Log in is successful
5) Host name = , DB = (both are populated successfully)
6) Schema list pre-populates
7) Can select a table successfully
8.) Get as far as the "Import" screen, but when clicking on Import and selecting a destination folder ...

Microsoft .NET Framework
Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application.
<Message><![CDATA[An unexpected exception occurred accessing the repository: ]]></Message>
<StackTrace><![CDATA[com.ascential.asb.cas.shared.ConnectorServiceException: An unexpected exception occurred accessing the repository:
at com.ascential.asb.cas.shared.ConnectorAccessServiceBeanSupport ...

Is that a Windows-side error with .NET and/or Java? Or is this something coming from the AIX side of things?

The key to me appears to be the message that there's an exception accessing the "blank" repository?

We do have entries for the Netezza host/DB in our .odbc.ini and uvodbc.config files.

Thanks in advance! I found a couple of other "related" posts in this forum, but they don't seem to align with this repository-based error message, and also don't relate to Netezza, but I'm not sure the target DB really matters in this case.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:04 am
by rjhankey
Looks like we've solved this one -- I had a recommendation to try assigning the user who was attempting to do the metadata import to the Common Metadata Administrator role in the Web Console. My first inclination was that wasn't going to clear up a Java/.NET exception on the PC client side of things, but lo and behold, that's exactly what was needed. I suspect it has something to do with having enough permissions to import Netezza metadata using the wizard, although you don't need those additional permissions in order to import DB2 metadata via the Plug-In import option.