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XML Validation Against the XSD

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:52 am
by sarathchandrakt

I am new to DataStage and I never worked on XML. I got a requirment where,

1. We get an XML file which we need to accept and Validate it with XSD provided. Need your input on what validations need to be done and how?

2. Clients do not wish to see the elements in the XML that do not have data in it. How can this be achieved?

(If it is of any help they also said, The validation process needs to be able to validate the presence/absence of the empty tags based on the name of the interface provided)

I use DS V8.7

Re: XML Validation Against the XSD

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:51 pm
by oracledba
From DS V8.5 there is an New XML Stage (that encompasses all aspects of xml input, output) encompassed in one stage.

With the xml stage can import the xsd and validate against the data.

Validation is done (can choose minimal or strict validation)
Data Type has illegal value
item that cannot be null has null value
trim values
mandatory item missing


item that cannot be null has null value set as Fatal

If the element has no value in it then it will be omitted.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:16 am
by sarathchandrakt
Can you suggest me some other Valdiations that can be done apart from the ones in XML Stage?