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Error in load

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:01 pm
by India2000
Hi ,
I have a scenario where I have records with same uniq key columns and different surrogate key(PK)

When I tried to update one of the records for all fields using surrogate key, load rejects data with error code -1. Is this because records have same unique key. My understanding is the record that I need to update has to update if since its has a different surrogate key.
Can any one help with this issue. How to update only the desired record without violating key violation.

If I hard code values for the fields in the update statement in the oracle stage, it works correctly without any rejection and rejects when passing values through the transformer.

update table1 set x=orchestrate.x where key=orchestrate.key --- doesn't update the record even if there a key available.

update table1 set x=4 where key=orchestrate.key -----updates the record