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NULL getting passed to transformer.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 3:02 pm
by allavivek
Hello .

I am trying to call store proc (oracle) which performs truncates based on input keys. One of the input key (p_measure) in store proc is declared as varchar. When passing the values to store proc in datastage, null value is getting passed for p_measure key. To debug, i am routing the values of input keys to dummy table inside store proc and i am seeing null value for p_measure.

When redirected the values to peek, iam seeing correct value.

I ran store proc in sql developer and it ran fine,no issues.

Any one faced this issue before ? Do i need to follow any convention for varchar variables passed to store proc ?

Thank you.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 3:46 pm
by chulett
How are you calling the stored procedure - using the Stored Procedure stage? If so did you import the metadata from the procedure into the stage?