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Oracle Bit Problem, not able to connect please suggest

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:05 am
by DatastageCoEUser
Hi Gurus

I am facing the issue to connect Oracle server.

Server is : Windows (64 Bit OS)
My Oracle 11G server is in : 64 Bit Version
My Datastage is in :32 Bit Version

My Machine
My Oracle 11G Client is in :32 bit version
My Datastage Client is in :32 bit version

I can able to connect the Oracle server through oracle plsql developer.

While connecting through data stage client , I am not able to connect it says below error.

Oracle_Connector_12: Error loading connector library ccora11g.dll. %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
(CC_LoadedConnector::loadLibrary, file CC_ConnectorFactory.cpp, line 1,525)

main_program: Error loading "liborchoraclent": Could not load "liborchoraclent": Exec format error.

And I tried to configure the ODBC in windows, please suggest where the TNSNAME file will be placed in 11G Client.

Please suggest, Thanks in advance

Please let me know any further details required.