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Incompleted/Invalid field mapping

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:25 am
by Roopanwita

When I worked on DataStage Version 8.1,I noticed if there is any invalid column mapping or incomplete mapping(or un-mapped column) in any stage(Like Transformer/Lookup) , that stage used to have yellow Exclamation mark .

Now in DataStage 8.7/9.x I don't see that . (Job gives compilation error as field mapping missing)

My question is there any specific setting to have that option in Datastage.

Thank you for help.


Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:09 am
by priyadarshikunal
are you talking about 7.5 instead of 8.1? or is it something else.

If yes, it is no more present in the canvas.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:13 pm
by Roopanwita
So from 8.7 , we don't have that feature? :roll: