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Functionality of Preserve Partition

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:58 am
by atulgoel
Functionality of Preserve Partition 'SET' is equivalent to explicitly specifying SAME partitioning or not?.

If we put Preserve Partition as 'SET' in any stage example (Transformer, Join stage ), the downstream/subsequent stages will use the same partition of upstream or I can choose my partition on one stage and using SAME partition in the downstream stages.

What exactly would be the difference and which Scenario 'SET' is advantageous over SAME. Which one is advisable using a preserve partition flag in the upstream or Same partition in downstream. Any specific scenario where Preserve partition is advantageous over Same? If both are same, What is the reason for IBM to create SET and SAME.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:28 am
by thompsonp
When's the interview?

Strange that you managed to ask the same question as another poster but were unable to read the replies :)


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:11 am
by chulett
Yes, strangely popular recently and interesting how the phrasing is so similar. Makes one... suspicious. :?