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XMLStage HJoin incompatible keys

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:12 pm
I'm hoping this is a simple question, I couldn't find anything in the forum, documentation or the almighty Google though...

I'm trying to use the XMLStage to transform some rather complex xml documents. The document has several lists that are related by ID and IDREF typed elements. I can't get past an error saying the ID and IDREF key items are not compatible in my HJoin step. Does the HJoin step in the XMLStage not support joining on items of different types?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:21 pm
by eostic
I haven't tried with different types, probably out of habit --- I would just change the datatypes upstream so that they match. No sense wrestling with this inside the Assembly.


Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:23 am
Thanks Ernie, this was mostly a learning exercise for myself to get familiar with the Assembly. I was able to move past the error by changing from Strict to Minimal Validation in the Parser step. Somewhere in the documentation I saw a blurb that indicated minimal validation treats all data types as string. Oddly though, I had to remove and add back in the HJoin step before it recognized the changes from the Parser step.