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XML generation using XML output stage

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:56 pm
by bond88
I need to generate following XML format. Could anyone advise me on this?

<import-record type-id="1" xmlns="">

<field name="application-date">
<day>element.getStartDate().substring(3,5) </day>
<month>element.getStartDate().substring(0,2) </month>
<year>element.getStartDate().substring(6) </year>

<field name="title">

<field name="funder-name">

<field name="start-date">
<day>element.getStartDate().substring(3,5) </day>
<month>element.getStartDate().substring(0,2) </month>
<year>element.getStartDate().substring(6) </year>

I used XML output stage to generate the following format


Please throw me some light how to generate XML.

Thank you,

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:20 pm
by ray.wurlod
Use a third party "XML prettifyer" to post-process the XML produced by DataStage.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:43 pm
by eostic
Tell us what you have tried so far....all the stage types for xml are documented and noted in 100's of threads here.......


Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:48 am
by bond88
Thanks Ernie,
I searched on DSXchange/Google and tried in the following way.


I am getting the below output.

<import-record type-id="1">
<field name="application-date">
Arkasoft Inc

I am expecting field name for every column but I am getting only one field name and all the dates (day, month and year) are getting under one day, month and year tags instead of separate tags for every date. Could you please suggest me a way to achieve this?

Thank you,

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:21 am
by bond88
I also tried by making some/all columns as keys even though I am getting same output.

Thank you,

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:15 pm
by eostic
There is a lot for you to learn here, in order to come up with a technique that will build that xml.

Here are a few tips to look into.

First, the xml stages will generate individual repeating nodes for every "row" that is coming into the Stage. your xml "goal" document, the repeating unit is "<field>". This means that you need each "row" that comes into your xml Stage to be about "one" field.

For the moment, we'll assume that "field" = "column" in DataStage....that means that you will have to perform a pivot, generating one row for each "column" that you have coming from the original source.

Let's say you have a link with col1, col2, and col3, and you have 10 rows. You will need to generate 30 rows (in this example), with details of col1 on the first row, for the first row of your input, and then details of col2 on the second row, for the first row of your input, and then details of col3 on the third row, again for the first row of your original input.....and so on and so forth. Then you will have the raw material needed to build xml with <field> as the main repeating node.

Lots to play with. Get to know pivoting techniques first.......and the from there, look at what needs to be done with the xml.


Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:24 pm
by bond88
Thanks Ernie,
I am able to drag columns out from pivot stage. So in my case each row is getting split in to 15 rows (4 date columns so each date has day, month and year so 4*3=12 and then title, funder, amount. Total 12+3=15). Could you please advise me how to proceed further after pivot stage output?

Thank you,

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:57 pm
by eostic
just work on one little piece at a time. if you now have pivoted your columns into multiple rows, and assigned a value in a transformer with the name of each column, then you could just generate a simple xml with one column going into the xmloutput stage called "fieldname"...

with xpath of


If you have a column called "column1" and you pivot that into its own row, and set the column after the pivot called "fieldname" to the string "column1", you will get something like:

<field name="column1"/>

in your result.


Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:31 am
by bond88
I have a small doubt, I need to pass column/field name along with column value, am I right?

Before Pivot stage can I use transformer to pass the column/field name by hard coding column/field name. If it is so then I got the output as you advised me in previous post. Please advise me.

Thank you,

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:04 pm
by eostic
Field names will have to be hard coded. I don't know of any way short of writing a class using the java integration stage, to get the name of the current column.
