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Importing Multiple root or Global elements in XML stage

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:48 pm
by Maximus_Jack
I have created the an XML schema library and imported all the required the xsd files, now all the global elements present in all
the xsd's are appearing ( but in a completely flat structure ), when i tried to create the actual xml files as per the xsd, i'm only able
to pick only one global element through the document root, but in the xsd i'm having multiple global elements (root elements), is there
any way to import more than one global elements through the "document root" of the xml stage


Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:14 pm
by eostic
For each xml parser step or composer, there is only going to be one document don't want to pick "many" -- just the one that will be the root of your document or of the one you are reading. I have seen strict xsd's that have only the one (usually that's much nicer!).....the alternative is that they are all laid out and you have to find the true root. Select it and see if the whole tree opens below it. You can always selct a lower node as your final selection if you want.
