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Grid compute node

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:48 pm
by Curious George
Hi All,

Can you please let me know why we would pass 2 values to APT_Grid_computenodes
From what I read about the Apt variable I was thinking it should have a single value passed to it. But in the current environment for a new customer I see values passed like the below:
Apt_grid_computenodes=2,2 or 12,3 etc

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:20 pm
by lstsaur
It should be just a single value.

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:14 pm
by Curious George

Thanks for the reply. I was under the same assumption reading the IBM manuals but as I mentioned two numbers are passed to this variable .

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:13 pm
by lstsaur
Unless the toolkit has been changed; I don't see why two values are needed. You can take a look the log from the Director; it has more detailed nodes assignments info. It should give you a clue what's going on with the second value. My guess is that the second value dosen't do anything and/or doesn't need at all.

Re: Grid compute node

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 3:05 am
by gowrishankar_h
Hi All,
Did you found the answer... even i have same question why we use for second value?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:21 am
by ureddy
12,3 ---> 12 nodes but restrict to 3 servers.

Smaple config for 6,3 is below.

Code: Select all

<>Information: Generated Dynamic Grid Parallel Configuration File (TotalPartitionsRule=cores, Resource Disk Allocation=all, Scratch Disk Allocation=all):
 node "Conductor"
  fastname ""
  pools "conductor"
  resource disk "/opt/IBM/dev/InformationServer/Server/Datasets" {pools ""}
  resource scratchdisk "/tmp" {pools ""}
 node "Compute1"
  fastname "SERNAME1.localhost"
  pools ""
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset2" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset3" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset4" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset5" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset6" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset7" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset8" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset1" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch02" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch03" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch04" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch01" {pools ""}
 node "Compute2"
  fastname "SERNAME1.localhost"
  pools ""
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset3" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset4" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset5" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset6" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset7" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset8" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset1" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset2" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch03" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch04" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch01" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch02" {pools ""}
 node "Compute3"
  fastname "SERNAME2.localhost"
  pools ""
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset4" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset5" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset6" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset7" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset8" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset1" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset2" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset3" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch04" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch01" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch02" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch03" {pools ""}
 node "Compute4"
  fastname "SERNAME2.localhost"
  pools ""
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset5" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset6" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset7" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset8" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset1" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset2" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset3" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset4" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch01" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch02" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch03" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch04" {pools ""}
 node "Compute5"
  fastname "SERNAME3.localhost"
  pools ""
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset6" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset7" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset8" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset1" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset2" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset3" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset4" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset5" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch02" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch03" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch04" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch01" {pools ""}
 node "Compute6"
  fastname "SERNAME3.localhost"
  pools ""
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset7" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset8" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset1" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset2" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset3" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset4" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset5" {pools ""}
                resource disk "/iis_dev_dataset6" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch03" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch04" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch01" {pools ""}
                resource scratchdisk "/iis_scratch02" {pools ""}

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:09 am
by ureddy
correction to the above post...
12,3 ---> 12 tasks but restrict to run on only 3 nodes.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:28 am
by chulett
:!: Best when you post stuff like this to remove any client-specific information. And don't post a correction, go back and edit the original post.