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Loading data to Exadata DB

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:09 am
by balu536
Till date, we were loading data to Teradata DB and now we've decided to move to Exadata.

What are the steps to be taken care of while modifying the Datastage Jobs?

Can we use the Oracle Connector stage for loading data to Exadata? or anyother alternate approache?

Earlier in Teradata, we were collecting the statistics on the index column after the load is done (this was scheduled on weekly basis) using 'COLLECT STATISTICS ON' command. How to do this in Exadata?

Please help on these.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:41 am
by chulett
AFAIK, it is still 'just an Oracle database' so you'd access it like any other via the Oracle Connector etc. Any 'how do I?' questions should go to your Oracle DBA - you do have one, do you not? Worst case it should be easy enough to google up stuff like that.

FYI - typically stats would be maintained automatically by Oracle but there are a few situations where you'd want to do it manually. One reference on the subject: ... /stats.htm

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:28 pm
by balu536
Thank you.