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segregation of EBCIDIC files without record type

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:56 pm
by hemaarvind1
Hi ,

I have a mainframes data files(EBCIDIC) with header/detail/trailer data where in header and trailer has record types to identify them and segregate in complex flat file stage. The detail record type does not exist (confirmed by customer).

I tried with fixed & single record type options in complex flat file stage but I am getting all the records including header and trailer where in I am interested in only detail record.

Can anyone through some light on this to how to handle this scenario in complex flat file stage?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:50 am
by FranklinE
Passing over the bad design that creates a record without the record type indicator, CFF allows you to query any part of the input record to determine which copybook to use to parse it. The header and trailer are subject to "direct" logic -- if record type = blah then use bleh -- and you can use reverse logic to identify the detail records -- if [position, length] of record <> header-type and <> trailer-type, for example -- or so I read the attributes in CFF. Good luck.