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Order of columns in sequential file getting overwritten

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:21 pm
by sheema

I have a simple job design shown below

OracleConnector----------->Transformer--------->sequential file

I am reading 15 columns from the source and formatting the columns in transformer and write them to sequential file

I want to write columns a, b which are in Col 12 and Col 13 in Oracle as Columns a, b in column order Col 14, Col 15 in sequential file. It works fine when I changed the column order and compiled and ran it and got desired output.

But when I close the job and Datastage designer and open it next day and run the job, then a, b would in order Col 12, Col 13 in sequential file but not in position Col 14, Col 15.

Can someone help me with this?