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Webservice meta data Import error

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:25 pm
by mandyli

I am trying to import the metadata via Webservices meta data Import using following url.

But I am getting error like

"The XML Schema that defines the message structure has syntax or semantic errors. For more details, proceed to a manual mapping using the XML Meta Data Importer"

But I am not able to import using XML Meta Data Importer too.

Is this any issue with url or services?


Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:38 pm
by eostic
Could be a lot of things....there have been problems with the import process, so it might depend on your release and your environment.

Here are some things to try...

a) download a soap testing tool such as SOAP ui (there are many on the web...I like SOAPui and Actional's SOAP Tester the best)....see if it can import this wsdl.

b) get a service that is well known and see if it works. I tend to like the ones at There's a link in the middle of the page that allows you to see the full list....then do a CNTL-F and look for "temperature conversion". There is a great temperature conversion service wsdl there and it has imported fine for 10+ years.


Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:41 pm
by mandyli
Thanks Lot.

I am not able to view your full message.


Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:50 pm
by ray.wurlod
Possibly your premium membership needs to be renewed. Your expiration date should appear in the Welcome pane on the Home page.

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:51 pm
by ray.wurlod
Can you get at the WDSL using another tool such as SOAPui?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:28 pm
by mandyli
Thanks Lot.

Sorry I was missed my membership renewal.

I never try tool such as SOAPui.

Can you please advice me ?


Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:56 pm
by ray.wurlod
SOAPui is a free, downloadable, generic web client. Very useful for testing calling webservices.

There are others, SOAPui is the one I use the most.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:11 am
by mandyli
Thanks Ray.

I will try this and update you guys.

Thanks Lot
