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Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:13 am
by harsha_blm
Hi All,

I am extracting a timestamp attribute(EFF_DT(nullable), format as '2005-01-30 23:59:59') from oracle connector after join with another oracle connector and passing the value through a transformer and writing to a dataset.

I have handled null by using If IsNull(EFF_DT) or Trim(EFF_DT)='' Then '1900-01-01 23:59:59' Else linkname.EFF_DT.

But the records are getting dropped with the warning:

APT_CombinedOperatorController(1),0: Field 'EFF_DT' from input dataset '0' is NULL. Record dropped.

Kindly let me know how to handle the above problem.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:59 am
by jwiles
Place the IsNull() and Trim() calls in separate if expressions:

Code: Select all

If IsNull(source) then default_value 
else if Trim(soure)='' then default_value 
else source

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:47 pm
by prasson_ibm
Check if Eff_dt on the input link of join stage is nullable or not.if it is not nullable,please change it to nullable and run the job again.