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handle_null() to replace one column with another when NULL

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:43 am
by zulfi123786

There is a simple derivation where a source date column which is Nullable is to be replaced with NOT NULL date column when the source column is NULL.

Tried the below:

Code: Select all

before trying with dates I tested for varchar columns, KEY2 is the source column and KEY1 is the NOT NULL column but it looks like handle_null function takes only scalar values and is not picking up the actual value in the column KEY1

Result when all KEY2 are NULL


And I dont want to use a transformer with If then else clause for such simple thing. Any ideas


Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:19 am
Is handle_null a system function ?
The KEY1 column should contain date value, any other data type values will throw error.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:35 am
by zulfi123786 wrote:Is handle_null a system function ?
Its not a system function, its a modify operator function name. wrote: The KEY1 column should contain date value, any other data type values will throw error.
Did not get this ?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:10 am
According to your requirement if KEY1 is null then value of KEY2 column should be mapped, then the data type of both KEY1 and KEY2 should be same. So

Code: Select all

will work but

Code: Select all

will not work.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:42 am
by zulfi123786 wrote:According to your requirement if KEY1 is null then value of KEY2 column should be mapped, then the data type of both KEY1 and KEY2 should be same.
It is the same,
zulfi123786 wrote:before trying with dates I tested for varchar columns
From the above I meant both KEY1 and KEY2 were varchars.