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Does StoredProcedure stage issue commit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:51 am
by srinivas.nettalam
Hi All,
We have a requirement to execute an oracle stored procedure which has two input and two output parameters.I am using stored procedure stage with the procedure type "Transform" Transaction Size =0,Checking the option Execute procedure for each row,Transaction ISO= Read Committed.
I am sending the two input values to the parameters through the input link and consuming the output from the output parameters mapped to output columns.The procedure consumes 1 row and should return 1 row.The stored procedure generates new a sequence number after checking some upstream dependent tables but does not commit.I assume that when we select the transaction ISO as read committed ,the stage issues a commit after reading the data(1 row) but the data is not sent to output link and the job is getting hanged.When I checked with DBA he said my userid has created locks on the database.Please suggest if I am going wrong in some option or if my understanding on the Transaction ISO is wrong.Also is there a way to issue commit command from datastage to stored procedure if read committed is not the right option?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:21 am
by chulett
The stage simply executes the stored procedure, if you want commits issued you'll need to code that into the procedure itself.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:16 am
by srinivas.nettalam
The "Commit" has been written in the procedure and it is working fine now with Transaction Isolation as Read-Only