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Error writing reject file - after Oracle insert error

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:00 pm
by Rob4732
Hello my friends.

I have a simple job(see below):

dataset stage---->oracle stage(insert only - table is empty)--reject link-->cp stage----->rej file stage(sequential). When I run the job I am violating an integrity constraint and oracle error code results. When I try and capture the reject info in a sequential reject file(job is set to abort after 5 recs reject), I get the following errors:

orcl_hdw_micro_results_fact,0: Reject record count has exceeded limit of 5 (CC_PXRejectManager::reportRejectRecord, file CC_PXRejectManager.cpp, line 91)

cp_rejects,0: Fatal Error: waitForWriteSignal(): Premature EOF on node etleng2 Interrupted system call

hdw_micro_results_fact_ins_rej,0: Fatal Error: waitForWriteSignal(): Premature EOF on node etleng2 Interrupted system call

No reject file is created.

Any help appreciated.


Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:23 pm
by jerome_rajan
I think the job is functioning as expected. The sequential file did not get created because you flagged the job to abort after 5 db rejects. If there were less than 5 rejects(in which case the job wouldn't abort), the file would get created. You may want to set the abort after rows property to 0 to capture the rejects.
However, I cannot confirm this with 100% confidence :(

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:24 pm
by Mike
The default behavior for an aborting job is to clean up files. You need to change a property in the sequential stage for your reject file if you want to retain it.


Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:12 pm
by Rob4732
You guys rock.

Both solutions work.


Merry Christmas.