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Not able to handle Null

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:34 am
by saj
Hi All ,

I have job which has Teradata as source and Oracle as target .

Some columns are coming as null, and as per the req if the column has null need to replace with 4 space .

But I am unable to handle the nulls coming from source with the help of isnull .

Is there any way to know whether the column has special characters / and ascii values .

Tried with the below commands , but both the command's didnt work
1: CONVERT(Char(0),' ',In.TextColumn)

2:if IsNull(TcpIn.OR) then space(20) else TcpIn.OR

Please help .

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:53 am
by jerome_rajan
So you are not sure if those columns from Teradata are actually nulls. First fire a query with a 'where colname is null' in teradata and check if they are really nulls. If they aren't, try extracting the ascii values using the ASCII function in your db. If the values aren't nulls, then they are most probably unprintable ASCII chars.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:34 am
by saj
Thanks Jerome , It was unprintable Ascii value .Was able to handle with seq function .