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Run Time (Parameterize) Metadata

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:57 pm
by dsnk
I have a requirement to unload data from n number of tables (say 50) from one Environment (say PROD) and insert into the tables in other environment (say COB).

For that unlike developing 50 DS jobs with each table metadata included in each of these individual jobs, is there any way to use a single job with Metadata applied at runtime (parameter to source table and target table satges in DS Job) for each of these 50 different tables.

Please advice to reduce my effort of developing 50 DS jobs.

Thank you so much in advance

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:08 pm
by chulett
I don't have time for much of an answer but yes - you can certainly do that with a "generic" job and many people here have done exactly that. You'll also find multiple conversations on the topic. At a high level it involves the use of schema files and runtime column propagation, aka RCP.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:26 pm
by Mike
Talk to your DBA. They do that sort of stuff all the time.

If you really want to do it with DataStage, then Craig has given you the usual approach.

As it seems you are coming from an Ab Initio background, the use of schema files and RCP with generic jobs is similar in concept to Abi's meta programming.


Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:12 am
by jerome_rajan
This might help you. Has been discussed many times

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:23 am
by vamsi.4a6
I think this link will help you