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DB2/UDB Enterprise Stage issue

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:22 am
by Rohit_ben

We connect to a remote DB2 database using DB2 API stage in a server job. While migrating the server jobs to parallel, we are going to replace the DB2 API stages with the DB2/UDB Enterprise Stage. After configuring it, we tried to test the connection using 'view data' from the DB2/UDB Enterprise Stage. But we encountered the following error -

>##E IIS-DSEE-TNDB-00534 14:09:00(000) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_39,0> Error Idx = 1;
>DB2Driver Embedded SQL message: SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "3" ("PASSWORD MISSING").
>sqlcode = -30082;
>sqlstate = 08001
>##E IIS-DSEE-TNDB-00000 14:09:00(001) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_39,0> Failed to connect to the database
>##E IIS-DSEE-TNDB-00534 14:09:00(002) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_39,0> Error Idx = 5;
>DB2Driver Embedded SQL message: SQL1024N A database connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003
>sqlcode = -1024;
>sqlstate = 08003

Please note that -
1) The server jobs are running successfully using the DB2 API stage.

2) The parallel jobs are running successfully using the DB2 API or DB2 connector stage.

3) We are able to connect to remote DB2 through command line.

4) We are able to import the table metadata using the import wizard.

5) The $APT_CONFIG_FILE has the following entry -

node "DB2"
fastname "db2inst1"
pools "DB2"
resource scratchdisk "/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Scratch" {pools ""}

6) The sample job has the following job parameters defined -

7) The DB2/UDB enterprise stage has the following connection properties hardcoded -
Client Alias DB name - DB2DEV1
Client Instance name - db2inst1
Database - DB2DEV1
Password - <Password>
Server - db2inst1
Use Default Database - False
Use Default Server - False

Could you please help me resolve the issue?


Re: DB2/UDB Enterprise Stage issue

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:00 am
by rohitagarwal15
Hi Rohit,

Have you done the DB2 EE setup properly means the config file entry shows a scratch path of 'opt/IBM....' so is this path exists on the db2sever and fastname is your target DB2 server hostname to which you are trying to connect. so is this is correct one.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:53 am
by ArndW
I recall having had similar issues a long time ago and it turned out that DB2 was configured to not accept cleartext but only encrypted passwords; I cannot offhand recall what the setting was called...

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 12:37 am
by Rohit_ben
The interesting part is that, when the password is set to an invalid value, the 'view data' almost immediately reports an error saying 'Username and /or password invalid'. Whereas when reset to a valid value, the error is reported as 'Password missing'. !! :(

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:26 am
by chulett
Behaviour like that I would be reporting to your official support provider as it seems more like a bug than anything else to me.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:05 am
by Rohit_ben
The issue has been reported to IBM support.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:17 am
by rohitagarwal15
Did they provide any update on this ??

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:33 am
by BradMiller