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deleting descriptor files

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:57 pm
by peep
I am deleting descriptor files but having problem
correct me if i am wrong

. . /dsenv
export ATP_CONFIG_FILE= /opt/..../configuration/default.apt

"press enter"
trial 1:
$DSHOME>../PXEngine/bin/orchadmin rm ".ds file"

trail 2:
$DSHOME>../PXEngine/bin/orchadmin rm /IIS/....node1/datasets/.dsfile

this is wat I see " warning couldnot delete because it doesnot exist"
when i do ls - l .ds file >>>> does not exist msg displays.

but when i do ls -l .ds file from other putty session It displays the .ds file.

Is there any thing that I am missing ?
not sure if i am following the below procedure.

please correct me.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:41 pm
by chulett
OK... for the umpeenth time, you are not deleting 'descriptor files' you are deleting datasets which the descriptor file is pointing to and... describing. Yes, it will also be deleted during the process but the goal of the command is to remove the dataset associated with it.

For the "rm" command you need to supply a full or relative path to the actual descriptor filename, one that ends with ".ds" as the 'extension' or suffix. I have no idea what Trial 1 shows, did you actually use what you show in quotes (".ds file") as the argument? And when you say ".dsfile" in Trial 2 is that literally what you are using or is that code for something?

How about you show us the full name of a real ".ds file" you are trying to delete, for example the one you see when you do "ls -l .ds file". A specific example would go a long ways towards getting you specific syntax to try.

And this will only work if you haven't already gone and "compressed" or deleted the actual datasets themselves.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:00 pm
by chulett
So what happens when you just do this:

Code: Select all

$DSHOME>../PXEngine/bin/orchadmin rm /IIS/....node1/datasets/jobname.ds
:? FYI: I can't tell if you are including everything from the comma onwards in the command when you run it or if that is just meant to be informational. And I'm assuming you will replace jobname with the actual name of a job when you do this. And that your full path is correct...

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:04 pm
by peep
" " is jus informational.
I am actually running like shown below
$DSHOME>../PXEngine/bin/orchadmin rm /IIS/data/node1/datasets/full jobname

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:09 pm
by peep
This is what i see:
cannot load origram ../PXEngine/bin/orchadmin because of the following errors

0509-150 dependent module liborchgeneralaix64. so could not load.

0509-022 cannot load module

0509-026 ststem error : A file or directory in the path name does not exist

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:30 pm
by peep
Do you think I should try this ?
looks like this is common issue on AIX.

export APT_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Configurations/default.apt
export LIBPATH=/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/PXEngine/lib:$LIBPATH

# Build lists of datasets to delete

filelist="$filelist PROD/ValIntermediate2"
filelist="$filelist PROD/ValIntermediate3"
filelist="$filelist PROD/Intermediate3P"
filelist="$filelist PROD/Intermediate4D"
filelist="$filelist SummaryTableFinal"


# Run Orchadmin and delete the datasets
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/PXEngine/bin/orchadmin rm jobname???

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:13 am
by ray.wurlod
Generally speaking Data Set descriptor files have ".ds" as the suffix on their file names. So I'd be building a list that bore that fact in mind.

Further, your script implies, but does not show, the for loop that processes $filelist element by element.

Finally, you should execute the dsenv script via a source command. For example

Code: Select all

if [ -z $DSHOME ] then
    export DSHOME=`cat /.dshome`
. $DSHOME/dsenv
You may find that APT_CONFIG_FILE and LIBPATH are correctly set in the dsenv script, depending on who installed your system.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:32 am
by peep
i m sorry i cant read all of your post.
it was truncated .
can you please inbox?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:41 am
orchadmin rm command takes the full name including path of a dataset's descriptor-file as its argument.

Do you really keep your descriptor-files in a directory containing ".../node1/..."? Or is this the directory where the data-files are stored? You cannot delete individual datafiles of a dataset using orchadmin rm. You should not even try to delete individual datafiles of a dataset, because that will leave you with an invalid descriptor-file that will most likely crash your job next time you run it.

Do you name your datasets equal to the job creating it? orchadmin rm will not automatically delete all datasets that were created by a job when calling it with the argument .../#JOBNAME#.ds .

You can use wildcards to delete a group of datasets by a single command.
Example: orchadmin rm ./*.ds will delete all datasets (descriptor-files and related datafiles) with the suffix .ds in the current directory. Mind you that naming a dataset .ds is a recommended best practice, but not mandatory.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:37 am
by chulett
peep wrote:i m sorry i cant read all of your post.
it was truncated .
can you please inbox?
No. That's not how it works here. Premium posts require a Premium Membership to read.

Start by actually reading the posts you can see rather than making people repeat the same thing over and over. :?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:44 pm
by ray.wurlod
The premium membership mechanism is how DSXchange is funded. There are only five premium posters, so you get most of DSXchange for free. Please get a premium membership, and help DSXchange to thrive.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:06 pm
by peep
This is resolved .

this is very standard step . Since I was new I could not figure it out and did not provide proper information to users here.
so even you could not get to a resolution point .

Sourced dsenv
export apt_config_file
change directory go to orchadmin tool
execute orchadmin delete command and point to dataset you want remove.