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Oracle Function through Stored Procedure - for few rows only

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:03 pm
by koti9
Did any one ran oracle function through stored procedure stage for few records only, and let other records pass through with out any processing? If yes, Can you tell me how did you do it?

Thanks & Regards

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:30 pm
by rameshrr3
You will need to fork(split) your data into 2 streams - using filter stage or transformer stage with constraints - the rows selected for oracle processing will go through oracle stored proc stage and form one input to a funnel stage
The other rows that dont need oracle function to be executed will be directly input to funnel stage.

The funnel method is up to your choice.

Another way is to have the stored proc stage ( oracle function) consume all rows and write the function call in such a way so that only rows meeting a specific criteria will have the function return a different result , others will return the same output value as input , or a null in the new output column.