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Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:52 am
by apeksha munje
Iam getting this error :
Transformer_89: Error when checking operator: Could not find input field "SRC_SYS_CD".

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:28 am
by ArndW
Welcome to DSXchange, apeksha.

Your error message looks like you specified the column "SRC_SYS_CD" in your transform stage without using the input link name, i.e "DSLink32.SRC_SYS_CD". In several Stages the link name is not required, but in the transform stage it is a necessary component of the field name.

p.s. Next post you might try to chose a more descriptive text than "datastage" - perhaps "Problems in Transform stage" or "Error could not find input field" or something along those lines.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:42 am
by jwiles
It's also possible that this is a runtime error (during job startup) indicating that the SRC_SYS_CD column does not exist in the input data. You should backtrack the job stages to determine if you may have inadvertently dropped the column in an earlier stage or job.


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:37 pm
by Kryt0n
Can only see that happening if RCP is enabled otherwise it wouldn't compile. And if RCP is enabled and this is a runtime error, it's more because of a reference to SRC_SYS_CD when that field isn't in the source stream.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:23 pm
by aartlett
I've seen this a bit lately. When dropping columns in a stage the incremental complier will work (force compile doesn't) and job fails.

Also occurs if you have an output column in an SQL stage that does not have a matching select column from the SQL, especially user defined SQL. Happened a few times to me when I added a column to the lookup reference link but forgot the SQL was U/D not auto gen.