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XML stage error - OperatorTransitionFailedAtRuntime

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:38 am
by MT

we are tryinfg to use the "great" new XML stage with multiple inputs to create a single XML document from several relational sources.

Within the assembly we have added a HJoin operator and the composer step and we mapped several columns.

We get following error at runtime:

XML_Leben_Bestand,0: Message bundle error Can't find resource for bundle, key OperatorException.operatorTransitionFailedAtRuntime

XML_Leben_Bestand,0: Fatal Error: OperatorTransitionFailedAtRuntime operator = 'UserRuntimeOperatorFrame:Op-RT-2[XML_Composer]', cause = 'java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer incompatible with java.lang.String'

We have reduced our mappings to make sure all data types match the schema. In the validation settings we have already choosen "Ignore" for "Datatype has an illegal value" and "Mandatory item is missing"
The error message is not very user friendly and we do not know what we can do.

Thanks for any help in advance
best regards

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:15 am
by eostic
I haven't seen that one before, so can't exactly suggest what to do...I certainly would have approached it the way that you have so far, but also, since this is your first time trying the new Stage, edit the schema (assuming it is a simple one, which you should try to use for the first time) and make everything xs:string, and send in only char or varchar least then it will confirm that the error message is really telling you something about conversions.

Also...exactly what release are you on? There are various patches for the xml stage.
