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Teradata Connector loading issue

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:58 am
by joan
Hi All,

I have td_connector --> Copy --> td_connector.

In the source td_connector Im performing a union and selecting around 19 million records.

Initially it loads data at a good speed of around 20k rows/sec. But after around 7million records get loaded the speed goes down to around 3k rows/sec.

I checked the skew factor its only around 4%.

Target td_coonector --> Immediate mode with parallel synch on

Can some please advice what to do ... why is this happening.

Thanks in advance ...

Re: Teradata Connector loading issue

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:07 pm
by sreewin7
Is any index or constrian's on the table and are you doing insert and update,check this two things and try to keep some filter condition for testing purpose and check the performance.