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Combining multiple column and record data into single output

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:10 pm
by mgray412
I have a problem where I am trying to get the unique values of
multiple columns from a group of records and store the
concatenated unique values into a single column in the output.
In the example below, if any of the values of col1 - col5 change
within any group of records (d-num) then the output would be an error
record. Records for d-num 10 and 20 would be errors where d-num 30
records would be acceptable. Any ideas on how to do this?

I am using DataStage v8.5 Parallel job.

Input records:

Rec d-num col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
1 10 a a a a a
2 10 a a a
3 10 a b b a
4 10 c c c c c

5 20 d d d
6 20 e
7 20

8 30 h h h h
9 30 h h h
10 30 h h

Output should be:

Rec d-num outputcol
1 10 a b c
2 20 d e

Thanks in advance for your help

Re: Combining multiple column and record data into single ou

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:53 pm
by tbharathkumar
Quick design,

---- remove dup (Col1)-----
---- remove dup (Col2)-----
input ---> copy ---- remove dup (Col3)--- transformer- pivot ----> Output
---- remove dup (Col4)-----
---- remove dup (Col5)-----

This may help, Pls improve the design.