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Teradata mload error

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 1:28 am
by Venki-ds
Hi there ,

I am loading data into teradata using teradata connnctor stage .
Usually this job used to load around 15 million records .after processing 14 million
Records job is aborting with the error like session id is illegal .

when I contacted my DBA he is asking for MLOAD log of this job .

Please suggest anyone how to get the MLOAD log .

Venkat R

Re: Teradata mload error

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:19 am
by sreewin7
Try to load data in "Teradata MultiLoad" stage this stage is available in the palette, as per my knowledge your issue will be resolve with this.

Try and let me know.


[quote="Venki-ds"]Hi there ,

I am loading data into teradata using teradata connnctor stage .
Usually this job used to load around 15 million records .after processing 14 million
Records job is aborting with the error like session id is illegal .

when I contacted my DBA he is asking for MLOAD log of this job .

Please suggest anyone how to get the MLOAD log .

Venkat R[/quote]