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Internal Error: (size <= blocksize_):

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 8:03 pm
by Marley777
Hi, thanks for reading - Anyone ever get this error or know what it means

Internal Error: (size <= blocksize_):

APT_PMsectionLeader(4, node4), player 2 - Unexpected exit status 1.

Unable to allocate communication resources

Re: Internal Error: (size <= blocksize_):

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:00 am
by sreewin7
Try this one, may be help ful to you.
1.Log into Designer and open the job.

2.Open the job properties--> parameters-->add environment variable and select: APT_DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_BLOCK_SIZE

3.You can set this up to 256MB but you really shouldn't need to go over 1MB.
NOTE: value is in KB

For example to set the value to 1MB:

The default for this value is 128kb.