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How to implement the logic in tranformer stage

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:33 pm
by hargun
i am trying to implement the logic in tranformer stage can somone help me on this how i can i use this transformation rule.

Code: Select all

(If {OBLT.OBL_COL_TT} in 0 to 99 then 
    '0' else 
    mid(ToText({OBLT.OBL_COL_TT},0,""),1,1))='2'and {OBLT_USER_DATA.USER_CD_2}='A')then 'N'

Code: Select all

if {OBLT.OBL_COL_TT}in [200,250] then 'AH'
else 'AG'

Re: How to implement the logic in tranformer stage

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:42 pm
by adityavinay
If (OBLT.OBL_COL_TT <= 99 and OBLT.OBL_COL_TT >= 0) Then "0" else
(If (char(OBLT.OBL_COL_TT)[1,1] = '2' and Trim(USER_DATA.USER_CD_2) ='A') then "N" else " whateveryourreqis")

If (OBLT.OBL_COL_TT =200 or OBLT.OBL_COL_TT =250) then "AH" else "AG"