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LIBPATH & The module has an invalid magic number error

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:49 pm
Hi all,

I am having a job sequence which is having a routine activity.The routine activity is as detailed below

Routine name:ExecSHSilent


value expression: ksh /path/unixscript.ksh bteq1.sql

'unixscript1.ksh' is used to trigger the 'bteq1.sql'

while executing the job,i got the error

Could not load program bteq:
the job failed with the error

Code: Select all

Dependent module /usr/lib/lib_64/ could not be loaded.
	The module has an invalid magic number.
04/23/2012 04:25:50 PM : Error code = 255
after a bit of research, i found that I need to add LIBPATH in the shell script ''unixscript1.ksh' '
In the administrator , the value of LIBPATH is /usr/lib.
But in the Director log, I saw a very big creepy value

Code: Select all

I tried adding

Code: Select all

export LIBPATH=/usr/lib
in my shell script 'unixscript1.ksh'
and see that the job got executed successfully.

Now I would like to know, whether adding "LIBPATH=/usr/lib" is fine or do i need to add the very lengthy value of LIBPATH (which i got from director log)?

Thouogh I got my job running now, I don't want it to fall apart in higher environements like PROD.that is why i am being cautious.

Thanks in advance,
Raja R P